- [b]bold text[/b]
- [i]italics text [/i]
- [u]underline text [/u]
- [s]strikethrough text[/s]
- [sub]subscript text [/sub]
- [sup]superscript text [/sup]
- [align=left/center/right]aligned text[/align]
- [font=Arial]text using Arial font[/font]
- [h1]text in heading 1 style[/h1] – Till [h6]; with [h1] being the biggest and [h6] the smallest.
- [url=http://example.com]Example[/url]
- [img a=alt text]http://www.mywapblog.com/images/big_logo.gif[/img]
- [img a=alt text w=100 h=50]http://www.mywapblog.com/images/big_logo.gif[/img] - w and h being the width and height respectively
- [quote]quoted text[/quote]
- [code]monospaced text[/code]
- [size=15]large text[/size]
[color=red]red text[/color]
- [color=#FF0000]red text[/color] – Using hexadecimal value for color.
- [list][li]Item 1[/li][/list] - Ordered list
- [ulist][li]Item 1[/li][/ulist] - Unordered list
- [email]email@domain.com[/email]
- [noparse]enclosed text will not be BBCode parsed - you can write[b]hello[/b] and it will be printed as such[/noparse]
[youtube]YOUTUBE_VIDEO_ID[/youtube] - YOUTUBE_VIDEO_ID being the red part of the URL: www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUl4Ksjp9os. E.g. [youtube]mUl4Ksjp9os[/youtube]
- [youtube w=400 h=300]mUl4Ksjp9os[/youtube] - w and h being the width and height respectively